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8:05 p.m. - 11/05/02
officially nominating chococat for president.
I'm very young today. I'm not sure how old I am, but I know that I could easily slip into babyspeak at any moment, and that I have a craving for fluffy blankets, fuzzy beings, and cuddling. Granted, I have similar cravings when I'm feeling twenty-something, but today, I know I'm young. For one thing, I'm overly enamorated with the Hello Kitty Wiggler my father brought me when he returned home Sunday. Even though I know it isn't as amusing as the similar Piglet (who looks very panicky and makes me laugh) I'm still amused. And when watching a toy cat vibrate across a table is amusing, I am not fit to be nearing voting age.

Or maybe I am. What the fuck is up with these elections? I swear to God, if the Republicans gain control of the Senate, on top of having executive control, I'm buying a bus and taking every good person I know across national borders. Is there really such a thing as checks and balances when both the legislative and executive parties are conservative freaks? And I'm not saying the Democrats are much better, but if we aren't going to have a fully-fledged revolution, I'd feel better with a *few* of my beliefs represented.

And also, I know I'm under-educated...but this whole situation in Oregon where people are likely voting against healthcare for *everyone* no matter their salary, no matter their illness, just because it's going to raise taxes, makes me want to be a zealot. The economy, my friends, is already unstable, and if a short period of instability is what it takes to remove power from the "fucking HMO fucks" (as an anonymous friend so rightly terms them) and the drug companies, so be it. Insurance as it is does not cover shit, and it needs to change. Corporations should not be in charge of politics. And finally, I would happily pay higher taxes to avoid paying insane medical bills. I would happily pay higher taxes even if I didn't have insane medical bills, knowing that none of my friends are going to *die* because they can't stay in hospital long enough.

This is absolute evil, this insurance. Talk to a company sometime, when a loved one is nearly dying. See the complete lack of compassion. See the complete lack of support. See the shitty excuses and the refusal to take responsibility let alone work toward change. I am building my own nation out of Legos; want to come?

Maybe I just need to make a few more t-shirts, and get my news from the Daily Show exclusively...

off to pet the mechanical kitty...

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