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9:05 p.m. - 10/12/02
There's a little pain inside the heart tonight, moving through the veins. All those spaces of my skin, inside my chest, that call out at almost electrical emotion are flaring their signals and waiting to be heard. I need to cry or maybe just be held. I've had so much good this week and so much need. The trouble with having the success girls on tv dream of is my own humanity. I want to find my way back inside myself and see you there. I want to look out from my eyes and discover people there to hold. Just once, let home exist outside my heart. Just once and then forever, yes. This time let it last; please let it stay. The more I love, the more afraid I get. The world opens up; there are so many people I could need so desperately- there are so many people who could leave me.

I need a backrub and a reminder the world is less fragile than I've known....


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